Saturday, March 1, 2014

Dragon heart

My life began as
I reached him.

The day, I hear, 
wraps around him.
The night, is shy
and yet in silence

for he shall wake

to fly without wings,
to burn without fire
to dive without fear

to perhaps fall
and break,
and yet stand tall
and brave.

My quill waits in hunger
for I am merely a witness
to a phenomenon
so strong and powerful
that it consumes me
thoroughly - 

as I evolve
slowly, but surely,
a bit more like him
a little less like me.


  1. When I wrote this, I had no idea that there is actually a movie called 'DragonHeart'. I read the synopsis on IMDB right now, and maybe I should see it to check if the feel of the film matches with the feel of this verse.

    This verse actually is more of a reply to Hugo's version below. I tried to pick up from where he left.

  2. Excellent! Loved it... You picked up mine very well, I was thinking of how could it continue, surely not in death, but in a rebirth of sorts, which you illustrated brilliantly. Off curse your style is more thoughtful and less graphical than mine, but it worked out quite good...

    Your writing made me feel a sense of lost, but strong rebuilt, and achievement beyond what he/she thought thought possible.

    Also, apart from the tags and little, it does not only conveys the dragon theme, but it leaves it open to the reader`s interpretation of whatever could make them stronger.

    Thanks for the collaboration, really enjoyed it :)

  3. Hi Hugo, thanks a lot for the feedback! And I think you hit the nail on the head really, my idea was about about metamorphosis of a dragon and a man, and I decided that the victor/survivor slowly evolves like the other and as such the 'slayed' continues to live through him... I was hoping that my allusions to 'flying without wings' , burning without fire' will carry the dragon ness of the verse, but perhaps I should have been clearer?

    And I am also glad that it flowed well from yours, although we are always very different in style. You always have great visuals and grandiose, while mine tend to be subtle and minimalistic.
    Thanks for providing the spark for this one. You know the story I had in my mind was quite different, but when I actually started writing, this came out :)

  4. The poem is very as it is, there was no need for more clarity :).

    And same thing happen to me on mine, I was going for something completely different but the poem took me this way... :S sometimes they have a mind of their own :)

    Looking forward to see the rest of the poems and to see new theme.
