Sunday, March 30, 2014

The real you

It is never a start or an end
but is present 
like air, or the earth,
so whole and invisible,
so much, yet so little
of what we 
perceive as real.

It never really is an intention
nor a thought,
or even a wish 
in the slightest.
But creeps up on you
while you are distracted
pursuing an alternate truth.

Harsh, maybe, but is also
a mirror,
of what cannot be sought
or seen,
for where indeed 
do you draw
a line, between yourself
and the enemy?


  1. Nice, the never ending battle with the self.
    Liked the sentiment, but I lost the rhythm towards the end, maybe just me, I will read it again.
    Overall, very good, very Aradhita style :)

  2. Hi, yes I was kind of struggling with the last paragraph as well. I had written this a week back and did not publish it back then, but after I read it a few times, I realised I liked it better and I didn't want to change it.
