Tuesday, April 1, 2014

Blur at dawn

“Who sees the human face correctly:
the photographer, the mirror, or the painter?”
P Picasso

I look at him staring back at me,
Its gaze is heavy and tired,
I don’t recognize him…
…not fully.

Who are you? I ask,
But there is no sound
-I must have used my inner voice-
And as expected, no answer came.

I remember you…
…or at least the idea of you.
You are not what I imagined,
Yet, I wonder if I am what you desired as well.
     -probably not-

I accept you, and you me,
Like we have done many times before.
And with a faint smile I say…

Sunday, March 30, 2014

The real you

It is never a start or an end
but is present 
like air, or the earth,
so whole and invisible,
so much, yet so little
of what we 
perceive as real.

It never really is an intention
nor a thought,
or even a wish 
in the slightest.
But creeps up on you
while you are distracted
pursuing an alternate truth.

Harsh, maybe, but is also
a mirror,
of what cannot be sought
or seen,
for where indeed 
do you draw
a line, between yourself
and the enemy?

Saturday, March 1, 2014

Dragon heart

My life began as
I reached him.

The day, I hear, 
wraps around him.
The night, is shy
and yet in silence

for he shall wake

to fly without wings,
to burn without fire
to dive without fear

to perhaps fall
and break,
and yet stand tall
and brave.

My quill waits in hunger
for I am merely a witness
to a phenomenon
so strong and powerful
that it consumes me
thoroughly - 

as I evolve
slowly, but surely,
a bit more like him
a little less like me.

Tuesday, February 18, 2014

Auburn light

Awoken by the stench, I lay on my back,
the odor fills my nostrils and goes to my throat,
a sweet-rubber-coal pungent taste slimes down it’s rear…
I fight to open my eyes, just to find them shut by the evaporated tears,
the crackling sound of the background becomes clearer.
…rip open my eyelids…
      And hot… very hot…

It seems I didn't make it, his flight overpower my feet…

As my sight adjusts, I see it.
   first the shadow…
…then his gold and emerald face followed by the auburn light…

Tuesday, January 14, 2014

To the unknown

Late last night the large boat came,
with the promise of adventures, I jump on it straight .
Take me here and there, take me anywhere and everywhere,
for a voyage I long for, and I like your way.

Set sail to the unknown!

The seashores are cold and the water is fierce,  
Enjoying the salt and sun,
…the warmth and green.
The boat came again, so I took it once more.

Set sail to the unknown!

The sandshoes are hot and the moisture is rare,
Adoring the bush shadow,
…the heat and the gold.
It came once more, and so I go…

Set sail to the unknown!

The green-lands are vast and rainfall is plenty,
Indulging in fog and serenity,
…the shiver and green-mock.
The trip shall continue, for it arrived as before.

Set sail to the unknown!

The buildings are high and the murmur is deafening,
Pampered in tech and living quite fast,
…the hectic, the gray.
My time has come, for it's here again.

Set sail to the unknown…
 …and at the end, please bring me home…

But where is that home you for?
 It asked on a whisper…
On the house that knows your secrets of youth?
Or with the friends that are spread from here to there?
Maybe on the pumping heart where you hold them…
Or in the endless frames that dance at night…

I am your home! …it told me…
…as I sailed to the unknown…

Hugo Cervantes